Birger Andersen | Ingeniørdocent | DTU Engineering Technology | 93 51 02 16 |  |
Søren Scheurer Andersen | Chefkonsulent | AFRI | 23 65 36 54 |  |
Kristina Vaarst Andersen | Lektor | DTU Engineering Technology | 93 51 17 85 |  |
Simon Ivar Andersen | Research Director and Professor, Chemical Impact of Offshore Energy Production | DTU Offshore | 93 51 07 58 |  |
Miranda Kiran Husted Andersen | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Space | |  |
Kaija Jumppanen Andersen | Specialist | DTU Management | |  |
Marie Karen Anderson | Specialkonsulent | DTU Management | 45 25 65 46 |  |
Kim Andersson | Specialkonsulent | DTU Space | 45 25 34 54 |  |
Marie Helene Andersson | Managing Director | DTU Compute | |  |
Michael Andersson | Projektkoordinator | DTU Construct | 45 25 62 56 |  |